Jesus & Politics: Casting Your Vote Without Losing Your Mind

Series Description

At least once every four years, America loses its collective mind just a little. Everyone either starts to vigorously support their candidate of choice, or complain about the lack of such a candidate. And year-round, the arguing, infighting, backbiting, and character assassinations abound. In recent years it seems to have gotten even worse (although many of us didn’t think that was possible).

All of this raises a question for followers of Jesus: how should we engage in the political world (or for some, should we even engage in the first place?) What does it look like to cast a ballot faithfully? And the rest of the time, how do we think well about who and what and how we support?

This series takes three weeks to examine how followers of Jesus can approach politics in a healthy, balanced, refreshing kind of way.


Below you’ll find the teachings from this series, beginning with the most recent.

Recommended Reading

Interested in reading more on the topic of faith and politics? Below you’ll find some of the books that we found helpful in putting together this teaching series. As always, us recommending a book doesn’t mean we agree or endorse everything in it, but simply that we found it to be a helpful perspective on the subject.


Work: God's Purpose in Our Labors


1 Peter: Life in Exile